"A Local Highlight"!

Joe Hitchcock nominated

I somehow ended up being nominated in the "Best Director" category with the big kids who make NZFC funded short films! Congratulations to Mark Albiston for taking the award with his hilarious short film ‘The Six Dollar Fifty Man’. The same film also won "Best International Short" at Sundance, and "Jury Prize" at Cannes, so it's really an honour to be nominated in the same category!

You can read the full list of Show Me Shorts awards here.

THIS may be my first ever film review:

"The North Pole Deception sees the workshop conditions of the elves at the North Pole blown apart. Filmed in a doco and interview style, the crude plasticine animation may lack aesthetically but a clever script certainly brings the cruelty into the yuletide season. And the final shot and use of candy canes is perhaps one of the cleverest I've seen in a while."- by Darren Bevan
You can read more of his Show Me Shorts reviews at tvnz.co.nz.

The film has also been recomended as one to watch out for on National Radio (mp3 interview), Kiwi FM (my interview - not recorded sorry), WIFT, in "Gina Dellabarca talks Show Me Shorts" and numerous other media.

All this fuss has made me realise I should send the film to some festivals further abroad!